Potty Update

When I look back at Milan’s 10 week old photo of him sitting on his potty I CRACK up!  What a little cutie pants!

Pooping Rockstar

Mylan is now just under 9 months old and he is still using his potty.  It’s been a long time since he has pooped in it, but he does his pee pee in there several times per day.  He goes on his potty first thing in the morning and then every time he whines at me but isn’t wet.  He is in the habit of peeing and then trying to leap off his potty into my arms.  He then quickly squirms out of my arms to inspect the results.  This behavior is a good indication that he understands what his potty is for….Yay!  However, he still goes potty in his diaper about 75 percent of the time.  This is mainly my fault for not taking him to his potty more….sooooooo….

Milan on the potty at 8 months and counting

I have a new goal starting Monday to get him on the potty more often than not!  Update to follow….

In the midst of change….goal number 2.

Diaper Cloth Ma’Ma’s Celebrate….Long Live the Diaper Snappy!

Whoot!  My diaper Snappies came in the mail today and they are AWESOME!

No more worrying that I might poke poor baby Milan with a gigantic diaper pin.

Snappies work just like an ace bandage clip.  They have little teeth that grab the fabric and hold the diaper on.

I am in love with these fantastic little clips!  Celebrate!

*****UPDATE***** 8 Months later and I still LOVE these diaper snappies!

~*~Make Yourself an Infant Wrap~*~

A friend of mine made me a wrap and me and my son Milan love it!

This type of wrap is the perfect carrier for infants.  It allows you to strap your baby to you, while you go about your business.  Yesterday, I was doing dishes and nursing Milan at the same time; talk about multi-tasking!

To make your own  warp you will need:

  • Scissors
  • 5 ~ 6 yards of flexible t-shirt material
  • needle and thread
  • button or tag

Simply cut the fabric down the center length wise so you end up with 2 long pieces of fabric.

Now find the center of the fabric on each piece.

Take your button or tag and sew it to the center of each piece, this will serve as the center marker.

You now have two wraps….keep them both or give one away as a gift!

If your thrify and use coupons, each wrap should cost you less then 15 bucks!

Milan Walker Rockin His Old School Diapers!

This marks the end of week one, of our cloth diaper experiment
When I was small my grandma would tell the tales of using cloth diapers on her 8 children.  She’d say, “Misty, at least you won’t have to worry about cloth diapers now that they have those disposable ones…..” Ha!  If she could only see me now!
Here is my first attempt at diapering my little man.  This diaper leaked!  Thankfully, I am quickly becoming a cloth diapering expert!  No more leaks 🙂
Why am I using cloth diapers?
I’m not trying to save the planet or be  environmentally chic.  Although, it is nice to know that my frugalness is having a small impact.  It has everything to do with my family and nothing more. I desire deep in my heart to be a stay at home mom and be there for every second of my sons life.  The only way for this to be possible, is for me to do everything I can to save money. When I saw how many diapers this little man
burns through, I knew we had to make some changes.
Here you see about 5 days worth of Smilen Milan’s (My~lan) dirty disposable diapers!
Now that week one is finished, I am happy we tried it and will be happy to continue with it.  Prefold Cloth diapers are easy to use, economical and yes, environmentally friendly! I’d be nice to have those fancy, shamancy Charlie Banana’s or the really cute BumGenius or even some Fuzzibunz.  But for now I am pleased with my old school prefolds.  I would do anything, to be able to see this every single second, of every single day.