Gobble Gobble ~ My FAVORITE Holiday is Just Around the Corner….What is on the menu this year?

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday of the year.  I love the food, time with family & friends and the food!  Last year I made a few recipes that I will definitely be making again.

I will be updating and posting my menu items here 🙂

What are you making for your Thanksgiving Dinner?

What is your favorite family dish?

Let’s share ideas 🙂

  • Last year I bought a fresh Turkey from Hurons Finest in Bad Axe, MI.  I called and had it reserved for me (989) 269-7200.  I then used this brine from The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drumond.  To see the brine for yourself ~ click here.  It was delicious and moist; I am going to do the same thing this year 🙂
  • I also used the rolls from The Pioneer Woman.  To see her recipe ~ click here  They were yummy, but this year I am using this recipe with a few changes.  I exchanged half the oil for butter and two cups of the flour for wheat flour and they turn out buttery, wheaty and delicious.
  • I love traditional sage dressing.  I don’t use a recipe for this I kind of just eyeball everything.

What do you love?

Old Blogs…..

I’ve had two other blogs besides this one.

If your just dying to read every blog post that I have ever written.

You can go here….http://brownbagbagels.blogspot.com/

and then go here….http://doing-things-differently.blogspot.com/

I’ve recently moved content here because I like the format of this blog host better.


Peach Pie Oatmeal ~ a yummy breakfast treat!

Peach Pie Oatmeal
Thanks to my cousin Andrea, I have become addicted to steal cut oatmeal!
It is so super yum!
There are many ways to fix steal cut oatmeal.
Here is my favorite…
Pour 4 cups of water and 1 cup of steal cut oatmeal in to a pot of boiling water and simmer for 30 mins.
I used McCann’s Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal.
It comes in a fantastic metal can and I got it free using my recycle bank points!
Make sure you stir~stir~stir so your oatmeal doesn’t adhere to the bottom of the pan.
It looks yucky now, but don’t worry it’s gana be so good!
Once you have just 10 minutes left on the timer, it’s time to add the goodies to it.
I put 1/4 cup of frozen chopped peaches, 1/8 cup of raisins and 1 tbs of brown sugar.  You could substitute the brown sugar for honey or just skip the sweetener.
Continue cooking the remaining 10 min.
Don’t forget to keep stirring.
Looking delicious!
When your oatmeal is finished you can gobble it down how it is or you can do what I do and add a little bit of milk.  You can also do what my husband does and add a little bit of milk and cinnamon.
That’s all there is to it.
Now GO make yourself some Peach Pie Oatmeal today!!
Oh Yummy!