Back in the side car again….

As the sun slowly dipped down to the horizon and night-time loomed before us my husband I sat independently.  Each of us pondering the previous nights, neither of us wanting to say what needed to be said.  Each sitcom and commercial served as a reminder that the time for us to put our dear sweet son down for the evening was quickly approaching.  We were tense.

Man broke the silence and said the words that had been rapidly running through my head all evening.  “I can’t do it again.”  I trembled with relief, I couldn’t do it again either.

It never occurred to me that man and I would co-sleep with the baby.  In fact when he was a wee little one he spent most nights comfy in his bassinet.  There were a few nights when he slept strapped to my chest, but that was during his first couple days of life.  After that he slept wonderfully in his bassinet.  Once he out grew  his bassinet we moved him to his crib and he slept beautifully for about one week; then the teeth.

When Milan’s adorable chicklets began to pop through, he became super needy and super cuddly.  He had zero interest in sleeping alone, so I spent a few nights in his room cuddling him to sleep on the futon.  Then because I am old and can’t just sleep anywhere anymore, we moved to the bed.  Soon days turned into weeks that turned into months.  We eventually moved  his crib next to our bed and made a side car for him.  This new arrangement made it much safer and comfortable for all of us.

Recently, we tried moving him out of our room. I new when we were moving him out of his room that he wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready and man wasn’t ready either.  However, we didn’t listen to our hearts.  We listened to the world.  As parents it’s so hard to trust yourself, but as a wonderful friend reminded me recently, “Your the parents, you know what is best.”  She was absolutely right!  It’s now been a few nights since we moved the crib back into our room and made Milan a side car.  Last night he started with a runny nose and cough. I am so happy that he was right near me and I could comfort him through the night.

Milan’s back in his side car again and as a family we couldn’t be happier!

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