~*~Our Home Birth~*~

Before I even wanted children, I knew I wanted to have a home birth.When I found out we were expecting, I immediately began searching for the perfect midwife for us and lucky for me I didn’t have to search long.  The first time we spoke on the phone, I new that she was our midwife.  When we met her a week later, we both felt that she was the one and started getting excited about all the new experiences we were about to have.My pregnancy was a breeze.  I grew and grew and grew….I grew so much I was positive it was twins!
Turns out it was one baby and a few to many candy bars.
Here is me the day we found out were were expecting…
Here is me the day I went into labor…Whoa, big mama!
I adored being pregnant and I blogged about it here.
Our home birth was amazing and I hope my experience will help you decide if home birthing is for you.
Labor Day….not the holiday, but the day that will for now be known as the longest single day of my life.  I awoke on 1-30-2011 at 8:06 am with my first real contraction.  I knew this one was no Bradley hicks contraction!  So for all of you who are wondering as I was at the time, if you will be able to tell the difference between the Bradley hicks contractions you’ve been having for months or the real deal….yes, you will be able to tell the difference! Whoa baby!
I had this list of things I wanted done, on the day  baby came.  Some of it may seem silly to you, but for me they seemed absolutely necessary and I was certain I could not give birth in my home till they were done.
One of things was to vacuum the entire house, to remove all traces of dog hair.  I knew deep down it wouldn’t remove all the hair but I just had this vision of my freshly born baby getting immediately covered in dog hair.  I pictured him just as sticky as a lint roller (he wasn’t, but how was I to know that). The next thing on the list was breakfast.  The midwife had instructed that I eat when I went into labor so that I’d have plenty of energy for birthing out my baby.  This excited both hubby and me!  We decided to order breakfast from the Bay Cafe’ and it was delicious!  We had pancakes, omelette’s, potato’s, hash browns, rye toast and ketchup; lots and lots of ketchup.  We had the works!
I also wanted to look cute.  I wanted my make-up on, my hair done and I wanted to be wearing something pretty.  I say wanted, because although I started out cute…the cuteness faded quickly.
Look how happy I am..I have know idea what is about to come…lol!
Finally I wanted clean bed sheets and a clean bath tub.  I was happy for both those things during labor and afterwards too.
After completing all these tasks it was only about noon on the 30th and we just hung out waiting for
those contractions to get to 5 mins. apart.  We waited and we waited. We took the dogs for a walk and then came back to wait some more.  We waited all day and all night before I decided just to go to bed around 9:12 p.m.  How nice it was to be waiting at home and not in a hospital.
At 1:20 a.m. I woke up on the 31st of January with the bloody show.  Whoot!  This is it!  I began timing my contractions and didn’t wake the man till 3:54 am.  My contractions were finally 5 mins. apart and they had gotten stronger.  I was most certain that our baby boy was hours from making his way into the world.  We called the midwifes and began getting the bedroom in order.
Matt made me a birthing nest!  My dogs hung out with me till my sister came to get them.
The cat watched the entire birth.  What a freak.
Justice getting hair on our clean sheets…
Ruckus…this is where he hung out all day!  I tease that he was a freak for hanging with me, but it is actually kind sweet with I think about it.
The nest was fantastic and comfortable.
The midwifes arrived and we waited.  As my labor progressed, the contractions got more and more intense.  I began to understand why people opted for drugs.  I was happy to be home with out the option, although I wondered if they had drugs for people with chubby babies in the car.
They did not.
Between hanging out in the nest, I sought comfort in my nice clean bath tub.  It was a place of refuge that offered much relief.  I wished I had gotten the pool.  I ate lunch in my nest, then I ate dinner in my nest and then I began to freak out because I was still in labor; and still in my nest!
My poor husband.  As long as a day as it was for me, it was equally as long for him.  He was amazing and never left my side the entire time.  He held me up, he drew my bath’s, he rubbed my back and most of all; he made me feel safe.
The midwife checked to see if I was dilating and I was, just very slowly.  It was nearly 10 p.m. when I had just about had enough of being in labor, I had to make the decision to stay and see what happened or go to the hospital.  I was ready to go; I was ready to go and find the first man with a ready scalpel to chop this baby out already.  I kept that to myself…lol!  Instead of rushing out we made the decision to pop my water and see if that would get the show on the road.
Now more waiting…
See how the cuteness didn’t last….but the love did.
Finally, I honestly felt like I was about to loose my mind.  I wanted to go and get drugs or do anything, anything at all to make this stop.  All I could think of was how far is the hospital and where are my shoes.
Yes, it had been a long day!
Here is what a contraction can look like…no I wasn’t screaming.
As I am wondering how I am getting out of this house and somewhere with drugs and knives the midwife gave me one last check.  She then says the words I have been waiting to here all day, “You can start pushing.”  Those words snapped me back to reality, the panic left my body and I began to ready myself to push out my baby. I pushed and I prayed.  I pushed and everyone prayed.  It was a short 45 mins after she told me to start pushing that our baby was plopped onto my stomach and I got to look into his eyes for the first time!
Amazing!  It was AMAZING!  All the panic and pain replaced with feeling of awe and happiness.  What a miracle.  Milan (Mylon) Walker was born just at 2 am on February 1st and was eating by 2:08 am.  We were in the bath by 2:40 and in bed shortly after that.
Healing herbal bath…I am so scared I will drop him…he was so slippery.
I am so happy that I did not find my shoes and rush to the nearest medical facility.  Having Milan at home was the best.  Waking up in your own bed with your newborn and your husband is such a nice experience.  Double nice was waking up to your sister dropping off a freshly made breakfast for you and the midwifes.
I will most definitely choose a home birth again with my next child and maybe you will too!
Hours old…..the greatest gift!

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