Milan Walker Rockin His Old School Diapers!

This marks the end of week one, of our cloth diaper experiment
When I was small my grandma would tell the tales of using cloth diapers on her 8 children.  She’d say, “Misty, at least you won’t have to worry about cloth diapers now that they have those disposable ones…..” Ha!  If she could only see me now!
Here is my first attempt at diapering my little man.  This diaper leaked!  Thankfully, I am quickly becoming a cloth diapering expert!  No more leaks 🙂
Why am I using cloth diapers?
I’m not trying to save the planet or be  environmentally chic.  Although, it is nice to know that my frugalness is having a small impact.  It has everything to do with my family and nothing more. I desire deep in my heart to be a stay at home mom and be there for every second of my sons life.  The only way for this to be possible, is for me to do everything I can to save money. When I saw how many diapers this little man
burns through, I knew we had to make some changes.
Here you see about 5 days worth of Smilen Milan’s (My~lan) dirty disposable diapers!
Now that week one is finished, I am happy we tried it and will be happy to continue with it.  Prefold Cloth diapers are easy to use, economical and yes, environmentally friendly! I’d be nice to have those fancy, shamancy Charlie Banana’s or the really cute BumGenius or even some Fuzzibunz.  But for now I am pleased with my old school prefolds.  I would do anything, to be able to see this every single second, of every single day.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. eliminationcommunication
    Oct 21, 2011 @ 18:28:08

    Great! Prefolds are by far my favorite.

    If you ever find yourself out, any receiving blankets you have work nicely as diapers–they just need folding. That’s actually what they are anyway, Old fashioned flat diapers.


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